Saturday 14 September 2019


Semiotics means the study of signs. It is when you use images to represent things and use something that stands for something else. 

Denotation is what we see when we look at an image and nothing more.

The connotation
is what we understand from the image - connotations given.

Stuart hall developed the theory that audience  have different reactions to media text such as music videos and films
Image result for how i met your mother poster
denotations of the image are that we can them all laying in a bed and the 2 people laying on each other and one of them on the phone looking at the one on the left and the 2 on the left are looking at the camera, on a plain white bed.

connotation  could be that the 2 layings on each other are In a relationship and the one in the middle whos  staring at the girl is in love with the girl and 

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