Thursday 3 October 2019

Boyz in the hood

first thing we are focused  on is the stop sign that is being zoomed in which could link to the idea of stop racism or black on black violence or violence in general and that most of the shots are long shots showing how disgusting the environment is as  we see bullet holes rubbish all over the streets and the fact that  are seeing kids who are suppose  to be  innocent and sweet but have a surprising understanding f the reality  of life as they go search for a dead body just  laying  in the street. Lots of transitions, the pace is quite fast and something is always going on as how it shifts from the street to school as we see the kids drawings showing violence The boy in the blue shirt has the most screen time and its seems as if this film is based around his life. the firs thing we here are to shooting and police radio showing how normal it s here  instantly putting us  in there world as we see and hear the shooting  and how often the police are there, There is also slow music through out the clip and it is non - diegetic. The music is parallel. You can see lots of emotion when the two boys are arguing in the class room as there is a lot anger and many disgraceful words are said to one another. which is a shock as they are just kids.


  1. Please apply textual analysis terminology that we've been studying such as camera shots and movement. Not just description.

  2. Capital letters! Good analysis of the meaning behind the technical codes.
