Tuesday 28 April 2020


Titanium The slow pace at the beginning showing us the scene and situation but when he is on the bike the song speeds up reflecting how the song becomes more upbeat The music video uses natural lighting and matches a normal setting and also matches to the mood of the young boy. Long camera shots show the loneliness that the boy is feeling and the isolation he gets from others cause he is different from other kids his age. At the end of the video, there is the scene where he lifts up the officers and throws them back to the ground. This could suggest and portray that the boy has more physical power to change things and how he is treated than he thinks and he just has to believe and use it in the right way. Following the end scene, there is another scene where he lifts toys in the air, for both of these scenes they use special effects. The fact the boy's house is messy gives us a good representation of the reflection of what his life is like now. The boys' red hat is the main prop that symbolizes his difference to the rest of the people in the school. The music video shows us as an audience the strength of the young boy and how he had the willingness to carry on through all the hard times. It also matches the song title as titanium is a strong metal which reflects the strength of the boy. The music video has a circular structure due to the boy's body position which is the same as the end. Stop where you are In the beginning, a pan shot is taken showing the woman's shoes. This shows off her elegance as a woman. The woman is trying to show that she is talking to her younger self, giving advice on what to do through the hard situations in hope that the message will spread to other youngsters. The woman is mostly alone through most of the shots she is in showing her Independence and strength to get through anything. The woman is wearing vibrant and bold colours to show her standing out and her strength, how she has grown into a strong woman. There are bullies in the background which are made bigger than her in the video. This shows that in times of her life when she was being bullied how she felt intimidated by them and so pushed down. The colours throughout the video represent different emotions. Her younger self in the blue hoodie could show her sadness and the red dress is showing her power now she has learnt to be strong, so it is very emotive. The video is a slow pace to that the audience can get a feel and view of what is actually going on and the feeling of the audience.


Thursday 26 March 2020

big issue

Big issue Founded in 1991 by John Bird and Gordon Ridick 
The magazine based in the UK and their stories have a huge focus on British
They launched The Big Issue to help combat poverty by creating an opportunity for homeless people to make money themselves giving them pride
Vendors buy a copy for £1.25 and then sell the magazine for £2.50 allowing them to make a profit 
200,00,00 copies have been sold since 1991       
Advertising accounts for 70% of magazine income
Small circulation is more dependent on advertising

The big issue

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Magazine keywords

Circulation - Number of copies a magazine sells

Readership - Not just who buys a magazine but the total number of people likely to read it

Mass Audience - readership on a very large scale

Niche Audience - a narrow group of readers with a particular interest

Subscription - where a reader-pays for a set number of copies of a magazine in advance at a lower

price and receives them by post

Masthead - the title of the magazine

Plug - text that 'plugs' a feature that will appear inside the magazine

Puff - a story that is given prominence on the cover

Cover Star - the 'star' featured on the cover

Anchorage Text - text that anchors the main image and gives it context/meaning

Banner - text that runs across the lower section of the cover

Skyline - text that runs across the top of the cover

Friday 24 January 2020

jungle book essay


Monday 13 January 2020

Image result for jungle book
The jungle book

Image result for jungle book 1967
The jungle 1967 
  • the target audience of this  version of the jungle is the younger generation and kids at the time

newspaper evaluation

1) What was the task you were given and who was your target audience? 
 the task was to create a Daily Mail front cover and my target audience was the c2 and d demographic 

2 What research did you undertake and what did you find were some of the typical conventions of a Daily Mail front cover - layout, types of stories, fonts
 I looked at  Daily Mail front covers on Google to get an idea of what templates and layouts they use on their front pages.The image on the front page of the Daily Mail often does not have anything to do with the main story they are running. They also seem to always include some sort of competition on their front page as well as at least 2 stories and also have tight spaces on their head lines use a specific fonts

3.) Image result for daily mail christmas front pages

4) Which areas did you find most challenging?
4.) I found  it challenging finding the fonts removing the spaces and making the correct layout.

5) What was you initial feedback? What did others say about your production? How successful was do you think it is?
5.) Others said that my front cover was the best ever in the whole wide world and only wish theirs could be half as good as  mine

6) Identify what went well and with hindsight what you do to improve/do differently.
6.) I think replicated the layout of the Daily Mail front cover well, as well as making the headlines professional considering it was all made from scratch. However, i could have filled more of the space on the front cover with more text or images.

7) In the exam you will be analysing newspaper front covers. In producing this cover, are there any areas that you hadn't noticed before? What have you learnt from completing this task?   
7.) I didn't realize the amount of detailed information there is on a newspaper front cover as well as the different types of news that is advertised. Furthermore, other sorts of advertisements are used such as competitions.