Thursday 14 November 2019

conventions in news

red top tabloid 
  • less formal language register 
  • softer news agenda- e.g human interest stories,celebrities 
  • bold mastheads in sans-serif fonts,often white on red 
  • headlines(often banner) in bold,capitalized sans-serif fonts 
  • front pages dominated by headlines and images
  • often  news as entertainment
  • addresses a downmarket audience   
Image result for red top newspaper
middle market hybrid
  • more formal tan the popular press,more opinionated then the quality press 
  • mix of hard and soft news
  • traditional serif masthead
  • capitalised,often banner headlines
  • front pages dominated by headlines and images,but usually some copy
  •  mix of both 
  • addresses a middle market 
Image result for middle market newspaper
  • more formal language register 
  • harder news agenda-politics,fiance,international news 
  • traditional mastheads in serif fonts,capitalized as in a sentence
  • front pages dominated copy 
  • offers news as information 
  • addresses an upmarket audience 
Image result for broadsheet newspapers uk
Serif- Simple, straight lines typography.
Sans Serif- More complicated typography, less straight lines.

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