Saturday 16 November 2019

DIRT sheet A1

The answers to the questions were:
·       Deutschland ’83, Germany 1983, brand new channel 4 spy drama
·       Represents the Berlin wall
left represents freedom and love as the kite shows freedom and there’s graffiti of 2 lovers showing off love.
·       The left shows communism and aggression as the main colors are black and red and there’s barbed wore over the wall looking like a prison
·        the guy shows going from an eastern German spy to a west German free man and shows two sides of his life.
·       Targeted audience A, B, C, - people that know a lot about politics and capitalism who are more intelligent as they are probably more educated and earn more money
·       Steve Neil- films must follow cliches for the genre but also have differences that it is relevant for that certain drama.
·       Stuart hall- three ways of seeing one thing dominant, negotiated and oppositional
·       Bandura- if you see something you do it
·       Gerbner- the longer you are exposed to something it will eventually to take effect on you.      

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:
I was able to point out things to analyse

What are the areas you need to improve?
My analyzing and explaining skills ,add more detail and explain my points well

What do you need to focus on for your next assessment? 
I need to revise better and learn more of the terminology and gaining more marks overall

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